Person-Centered (Talk) Therapy
What to expect.
In order for the client to make progress with the issues that they’re dealing with several things must be happening. First, there must be a relationship between the therapist and the client. As time goes on, the client will become more aware of some of the causes of the issues that are distressing them. The therapist needs to be sincere and honest with their client. The client must be accepted unconditionally and be treated with empathy by the therapist. Lastly, the client must believe they are accepted, and understand the impact of a specific trauma.
In general, talk therapy sessions last about 50 minutes to an hour and occur biweekly or weekly. How often an individual goes to therapy depends on the severity of symptoms and the treatment plan that the client and therapist develop.
What are the benefits of Person-Centered Therapy?
This service is available in the following locations:
- Augusta
- via telehealth statewide
For more information or to enroll in services our Open Access team at (207) 626-3414.
We are required to bill for our services. MaineCare and private insurance will pay for many of our services. Low or no-cost treatment may be available to qualified individuals.
Not sure which treatment is right for you?
Call our Open Access team at (207) 626-3414.
They will answer your questions, provide information, and help you make an appointment for an initial assessment, where we can learn more about you and your specific needs.