Children’s Case Management

As part of our Community Case Management program, we serve youth from birth through their 21st birthday who live with autism, a behavioral health or intellectual disability diagnosis. We help families connect to community resources, assisting with good communication between providers and other team members.

What to expect. 

We use a collaborative family-focused approach that incorporates family strengths and a team-based planning process to develop an individualized care plan. We provide support to young people not only at our offices, but in their home, in school or in other community settings.

Services provided include:


  • Advocacy and coordination of care
  • Comprehensive Assessments
  • Individualized care plans created with youth, family & providers
  • Referrals and monitoring of progress

How are services funded.

MaineCare is the only insurance that will pay for Targeted Case Management services. Our case managers will work with you on applying for MaineCare.

If your child is not eligible for regular coverage under MaineCare, please keep in mind that Katie Beckett is a MaineCare enrollment option for children with serious health conditions. Children who are eligible for MaineCare via Katie Becket receive full MaineCare benefits.

If that isn’t possible, we will help you find other resources that may benefit your child and family.

Eligibility Requirements:


  • Youth age 0 – 20
  • MaineCare insurance eligible
  • Behavioral health diagnosis
  • Autism diagnosis
  • Intellectual disability diagnosis

This service is available in the following regions:


  • Kennebec County
  • Somerset County

For more information, to enroll in services or to make a referral call our Open Access team at (207) 626-3414.

We are required to bill for our services. 

Meet our compassionate and highly-trained team

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